Humorous, esoteric, + thought provoking dharma seeds for your nourishment.

Birdseed is a platform for emergent dharma — or reflections on elements of truth + reality — after a series of big, big life changes.

The vision for Birdseed is to connect seemingly disparate dots from the day-to-day through a loosely Tibetan Buddhist lens, weaving them together with beautiful, philosophical, meaningful and funny threads of meaning and larger questions. I write from the personal and the universal, taking life seriously enough but not too seriously. I also share creative mindfulness offerings and ways to work directly with me as a narrative coach, Buddhist meditation teacher, and death and transition doula.

Birdseed readers (eaters?) are:

  1. Deep thinkers and Buddhist with a sense of humor. 

  2. People curious about integrating Buddhism and spirituality into where they are now, in their own way.

  3. Busy people who appreciate randomness, lightness, and dabbling in the esoteric. 

  4. Artists, creators, writers, and movers & shakers navigating the hustle of life while trying to stay grounded, thoughtful, and open.

Birdseed publishes:

  • Bi-weekly(ish) for all subscribers, with a Curious Seeds interviews monthly.

  • Weekly+ for paid subscribers (sometimes) with longer personal essays / dharma talks, guided meditations, and multi-media posts.

Why should you subscribe?

  • You want to be surprised, delighted, and to chuckle because life is wild.

  • You want to be lovingly cajoled to think about hard, complex things, expanding your capacity to hold things in tension and sit with the uncertain in-between.

  • You want to remember you’re a perfect tiny speck in an ever-expanding universe.

  • You seek to deepen your understanding and experience of contemplative practices like meditation, yoga, personal reflection, and mindfulness.

Photo by Alexis Peterson

About Jess Mack

I’m a creative catalyst, space holder, and dharma teacher. I have a Master’s in Tibetan Buddhist Studies from Harvard Divinity School, but most of my smarts have come from being a middle child, a Scorpio rising, a person over 6 feet tall, and having grown up on the humor of Mad Magazine and Ren & Stimpy. I’m a writer, thinker, and fierce advocate for human rights. My emergent dharma focuses on the womb / bodily sovereignty, death and dying, and plants and the natural world. More about me and my work here.

Photo by Alexis Peterson

Subscribe to Birdseed

Reflections on the glitter + grime of life through a Buddhist lens. Dharma seeds of the womb, the tomb, the natural world, + more. Humorous too, I swear.


I write Buddhist reflections on the funkiness + sparkliness of life. Watercolorist. Death + miscarriage doula, former abortion counselor. Mama. Green thumb goddess. Don't take things too seriously. 🪐